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We created a Gender Equality Plan, we stick to it and include the entire organization in it. In this way, we will effectively initiate structural and cultural changes. Of course, considering the specificity of business, the Gender Equality Plan is adapted to our organization, it is effective and sustainable and based on models of change.

Three strategic areas of gender equality / 20 goals and indicators

A. Gender equality in decision-making processes and systems – Institutional culture of gender equality

B. Strengthening gender equality in career development – Gender equality in scientific and artistic advancement and research

C. Improving the quality of life and work – Harmonization of personal life and business obligations

Strategic documents, national, European and global, as well as policies and monitoring criteria:

1. ILO Convention against Violence and Harassment in the World of Work
2. The National Plan of the Republic of Croatia for the fight against discrimination for the period from 2017 to 2022
3. National development strategy of the Republic of Croatia until 2030.
4. EU – Gender Equality Strategy 2020 – 2025.
5. Council of Europe – Gender Equality Strategy 2018 – 2023
6. European Institute for Gender Equality (Beijing Platform for Action, Gender Equality Index)
7. Horizon Europe Program
8. Global Gender Gap Report (World Economic Forum)


A. Gender equality in decision-making processes and systems

Goal 1: Build an organizational culture of gender equality and inclusive practices

Indicators of success

  • Continuous progress or maintenance of a favorable state of gender equality in all areas of the Organization’s work.

How is the goal achieved?

  • By establishing the Committee for Gender Equality immediately after the adoption of this Plan.
  • Regular (every 6 months) collection of gender-disaggregated quantitative and qualitative data.
  • By creating annual reports and annual action plans based on data analyses.
  • Applying gender-sensitive language, visual representations and communication in the Organization’s documents.
  • Improvement of public communication inside and outside the Organization with the aim of promoting gender equality and inclusive practices (website, social networks, etc.).
  • Introduction of continuous education for managers at different levels of management related to the policies and implementation of the Gender Equality Plan.

Implementation of measures and responsibility for implementation

  • The measures are implemented by the Committee for Gender Equality established when this Plan was adopted.
  • The Board is responsible for the implementation of the Plan to the owner of the Organization.


Goal 2: Develop a system of employment and promotion sensitive to gender equality

Indicators of success

  • Establishing equal gender representation in all departments of the Organization where it is possible and at all levels of positions.

How is the goal achieved?

  • By respecting gender diversity when appointing committee members.
  • Drafting instructions on respecting gender representation in appointment, employment and promotion procedures.
  • Introducing the practice of signing familiarization with the principles of gender equality for committee members and heads of individual departments.
  • Supervising the implementation of the recruitment and promotion process through data analysis and proposing activity plans for further improvement of procedures for eliminating gender inequality.

Implementation of measures and responsibility for implementation

  • The measures are implemented by the Committee for Gender Equality established when this Plan was adopted.
  • The Board is responsible for the implementation of the Plan to the owner of the Organization.


Goal 3: Eliminate gender-based stereotypes, prejudices and practices that promote gender inequality.

Indicators of success

  • Equal gender representation in all departments of the Organization wherever it is possible and attainable due to the specifics and requirements of work tasks.

How is the goal achieved?

  • Promoting good practices and “role-model” principles for women by presenting the exceptional work of women for the Organization.
  • Improving the representation of women in management positions and maintaining the situation in which the so-called “glass ceiling”.
  • The possibility for all employees to attend educational programs or workshops with the aim of increasing the visibility of examples of good practice, empowering and raising self-confidence of gender underrepresented groups, and developing negotiation skills and management skills that can improve gender equality.

Implementation of measures and responsibility for implementation

  • The measures are implemented by the Committee for Gender Equality established when this Plan was adopted.
  • The Committee is responsible for the implementation of the Plan to the owner of the Organization.


Goal 4: Increase employee satisfaction with gender equality in the Organization.

Indicators of success

  • Increasing satisfaction with the state of gender equality in the Organization based on real improvements and educations on gender equality awareness

How is the goal achieved?

  • Introduction of surveys related to satisfaction with the state and practices of gender equality in the Organization along with regular meetings (every 4 months) of the entire team where the observed progress is discussed and specific activities for improvement are proposed.
  • Year-round open call for proposals to the Gender Equality Committee for new policies or improvement of existing gender equality practices in the Organization.

Implementation of measures and responsibility for implementation

  • The measures are implemented by the Committee for Gender Equality established when this Plan was adopted.
  • The Committee is responsible for the implementation of the Plan to the owner of the Organization.

B. Strengthening gender equality in career development – Gender equality in scientific and artistic advancement and research

Goal 1: Increase gender equality in support of scientific and artistic work, research and creativity

Indicators of success

  • Increasing the number of women whose products are taken into account when creating prototypes and putting them on the market – this primarily refers to external collaborators, designers who are not employees of the Organization.
  • Increasing the number of women whose creative ideas are realized within the framework of exhibitions, fairs and other events in which the Organization participates either as an exhibitor or co-organizer.
  • Strengthening gender equality and providing opportunities for education / strengthening the capacity of employees related to professional knowledge (business negotiation, learning new programs for drawing, designing and projecting, etc.)

How is the goal achieved?

  • Creation of action plans for the improvement of gender equality in cooperation with women designers.
  • Creation of action plans for the improvement of gender equality in the segment of education and capacity building through specific knowledge.
  • Including elements of maternity and parental leave and motherhood in work evaluation procedures in order to prevent the occurrence of the “motherhood wall”.
  • Appreciation of gender diversity when appointing female employees or associates who will participate in trainings and seminars that the Organization procures in order to strengthen human capacities.

Implementation of measures and responsibility for implementation

  • The measures are implemented by the Committee for Gender Equality established when this Plan was adopted.
  • The Committee is responsible for the implementation of the Plan to the owner of the Organization.


Goal 2: Increase the representation of women in the field of technical drafting and preparation for production.

Indicators of success

  • Improvement of equal gender representation in the Technology and Production Preparation Departments.

How is the goal achieved?

  • Detecting and analyzing the reasons for the gender underrepresentation of women and removing obstacles to greater inclusion of women in areas where they are underrepresented.
  • Implementation of motivational activities to popularize, recognize, support and promote the representation of women in areas where they are traditionally underrepresented.
  • Conducting education and motivating male and female students (Faculty of Forestry, Design Studies, etc.) in areas where women are underrepresented within the Department for Technological Processes (product design and technical drawings) and production preparation.

Implementation of measures and responsibility for implementation

  • The measures are implemented by the Committee for Gender Equality established when this Plan was adopted.
  • The Committee is responsible for the implementation of the Plan to the owner of the Organization.


Goal 3: Increase the representation of men in the field of interior design and work with customers in sales areas or at fairs.

Indicators of success

  • Improvement of equal gender representation in Design Departments and Retail Departments.

How is the goal achieved?

  • Detecting and analyzing the reasons for the gender underrepresentation of men and removing obstacles to greater inclusion of men in areas where they are underrepresented.
  • Conducting motivational activities to popularize, recognize, support and promote the representation of men in areas where they are traditionally underrepresented.
  • Conducting training and motivating students in areas where men are underrepresented within the Design Department and the Retail Department (including work in furniture showrooms and fairs).

Implementation of measures and responsibility for implementation

  • The measures are implemented by the Committee for Gender Equality established when this Plan was adopted.
  • The Committee is responsible for the implementation of the Plan to the owner of the Organization.


C. Improving the quality of life and work – Harmonization of personal life and business obligations

Goal 1: Reduce income between women and men.

Indicators of success

  • Increasing gender equality in gender-based language in income.

How is the goal achieved?

  • Analysis of data on gender equality of payment and income and drawing conclusions on the state of gender equality.
  • Creation of an action plan to increase gender equality for equal work.
  • Improving the practice of transparent and gender-equal insurance of paid additional work and additional income with the aim of reducing “invisible work”.

Implementation of measures and responsibility for implementation

  • The measures are implemented by the Committee for Gender Equality established when this Plan was adopted.
  • The Committee is responsible for the implementation of the Organization Owner’s Plan.


Goal 2: Ensure that the Organization is a “safe place” free from sexual harassment and discrimination.

Indicators of success

  • Increasing good practices of tendance for open speech and reducing cases of sexual and gender harassment and discrimination.

How is the goal achieved?

  • Applying a special policy / statement related to zero tolerance towards all forms of gender or sexual harassment.
  • Creating educational material and programs with the aim of raising awareness of prejudices and preventing sexist speech and hate speech.
  • Creation of annual action plans and sensitization programs against gender-based violence.

Implementation of measures and responsibility for implementation

  • The measures are implemented by the Committee for Gender Equality established when this Plan was adopted.
  • The Committee is responsible for the implementation of the Plan to the owner of the Organization.


Goal 3: Ensure the support of diversity and inclusion practices regardless of gender orientation or identification.

Indicators of success

  • Developing new policies and practices to strengthen gender diversity and inclusiveness.

How is the goal achieved?

  • Applying a special policy related to zero tolerance towards all forms of gender or sexual harassment.
  • Creating a system of empowerment and support for employees regardless of gender orientation.

Implementation of measures and responsibility for implementation

  • The measures are implemented by the Committee for Gender Equality established when this Plan was adopted.
  • The Committee is responsible for the implementation of the Plan to the owner of the Organization.


Goal 4: Develop a working environment that enables employees to harmonize business and life obligations and responsibilities

Indicators of success

  • Increasing the index of employee satisfaction with working environment conditions.

How is the goal achieved?

  • Inclusion of the dimension of gender equality in policies and regular monitoring by human resources officers.
  • Creation of guidelines for better scheduling of meetings with the aim of harmonizing business and work obligations with private obligations and responsibilities
  • Introducing flexible working hours and flexible working conditions wherever possible.
  • Constant creation and implementation of practices that neutralizes the consequences for mental health caused by repetitive work and stress in the workplace. Those practices are, for example, personal training and education, mobility, empowerment programs, organization and offer of physical activities ect.
  • Improving communication practices and teamwork, for example, introducing regular meetings of all employees with the aim of empowering, developing constructive interpersonal relationships and articulating common interests that improve the quality of work.
  • Introduction of two-way evaluation of employees and managers with the aim of quick and efficient detection of work difficulties.

Implementation of measures and responsibility for implementation

  • The measures are implemented by the Committee for Gender Equality established when this Plan was adopted.
  • The Committee is responsible for the implementation of the Plan to the owner of the Organization.

Ivan Janković-Miloš, director

Zagreb, May 12, 2021.

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